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How Competent Real Estate Brokers Ask Questions

A buyer asks the agent, is this a good property? The agent then cites all the reasons for the property to look good of course with a motive of selling the property. But the buyers asks the same agent if another property in another subdivision is good, the agent then narrates all the advantages of such property. It’s obvious that the agent is only after a sale and not competent enough to ask the right questions to know more about the prospect to find out what he really needs and what property most suitable for him.


The real estate agent must seek the answer to:

1. Who are your prospects?
2. How do they buy? Where to they go to find real estate properties?
3. Where can you find your prospects?
4. What feature of a home is he interested in? single detached? townhouse? condo? beach lot? lot only? overlooking view? how many bedrooms? one storey? 2 storey?
5. How does he buy: cash? bank financing? in-house financing? Pag-ibig?
6. What are the frequently asked questions of a prospect for each type of property?
7. What’s his address? contact number? family background? occupation?
8. What’s his greatest motivation or purpose to own a property?
9. What’s his most ideal location?

These are just few questions you should ask to find out more about your prospect. The bottom line is get to know your prospect as much as you can.

Moreover, offer your calling card, make sure he/she has your contact number, and make sure you maintain an open line for follow through.

But of course, you don’t have to bombard your prospects with these questions in your desire to get to know them. You need to slowly unmask your buyers wants, needs, desires etc. by asking the right questions at the right time. It should be done in such a way that it’s just like a normal personal conversation with your friend.

For instance the prospect asks,

How many bedrooms does this house have? instead of just saying three, say, it has three, would that be enough for you?

More examples:

How much is this house? it’s 4 million negotiable, is that within your price range?

How big is the lot area? It’s 250 square meters, is this just right for you? or are you looking for something bigger?
When will this subdvision be completed? The target completion is middle of 2010, is this within your time table?
By following up with related questions after answering buyer’s questions, you are actually trying to know more about your prospects in a normal conversational way.

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Land Asia Listings

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